Information about Performances

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For the correct realisation of our work it is essential to collaborate with the people that organize and coordinate our performance, facilitating aspects for us like finding adequate parking for our vehicles, downloading material, assembling equipment, carrying out sound checks, musicians’ location, picking up and loading the equipment following the performance,  payment of the established amount as a sign of confirming the service, payment for the service on the agreed upon terms, communication and coordination with the personal organizer, advertisements and publicity for the event/performance, information about the characteristics of the performance, accommodation and support for the musicians, etc.

Depending on the characteristics of the event or service, we can collaborate in the publicity and advertisement to the best of our ability  (social media, photos, posters, etc.).

In those cases in which our performances are recorded, their use will be limited exclusively to private/domestic environments. They will not be permitted to share with the public, nor will they be permitted to add to social, digital, or audiovisual platforms, etc… without a previous request, and in that case, an authorisation. Likewise, the aforementioned will be taken into account regarding photos, images, videos, logos, posters, texts, flyers, etc. of our creation and ownership.


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